Custom Built Costume Made Artie Esposito Seven Dwarfs Panto Snow White Christmas

The dwarfs sit around the table, singing with Snow White!

The Seven Dwarfs Costume Heads

     At Swazzle Puppet Studio, I was tasked with building the costume heads of the seven dwarfs for Panto: A Snow White Christmas. This was a live show featuring celebrities in the lead roles, and costumed versions of the famous dwarfs! To learn more, check out the behind-the-scenes photos below, and consider contacting me to help bring your puppet project to life!

Custom Built Costume Heads Artie Esposito Seven Dwarfs Designs Panto Snow White

Seven Dwarf designs by Swazzle’s Patrick Johnson.

Custom Built Costume Heads Artie Esposito Seven Dwarfs Panto Snow White Christmas

The heads were made of L-200 foam, with scott foam cheeks, noses, and ears.

Custom Built Costume Heads Artie Esposito Seven Dwarfs Panto Snow White Christmas

Head,with test eyes, before being covered.

Custom Built Costume Heads Artie Esposito Seven Dwarfs Panto Snow White Christmas

Six of the seven finished heads.

Custom Built Costume Heads Artie Esposito Seven Dwarfs Panto Snow White Christmas

The final head. All the faces were covered in polar fleece.

Custom Built Costume Made Artie Esposito Seven Dwarfs Panto Snow White Christmas

The dwarfs, creeping around the enchanted forest!